TODAY’S SPECIAL: John 3:9-21

TO CHEW ON: “'How can this be?' Nicodemus asked." John 3:9

"Jesus the Savior of the World" - Artist unknown

Jesus told Nicodemus if he wanted to see the kingdom of God, he had to be born again. Nicodemus thought Jesus meant he actually had to be born from his mother again. Of course, Jesus didn’t mean that. But what did he mean?

He meant that Nicodemus had to have a new beginning (new birth) with God. How could this happen for Nicodemus? How does it happen for you and me?

1. Nicodemus, and all of us, have sinned (sin = disobeying God - even once).

2. The punishment for sin is death = separation from God forever.

3. Jesus is the only person who lived a sinless life. He is the only person who didn't need to die for His own sins.

4. But Jesus chose to die in our stead. God accepted His death as the payment for our sin. (It’s like when you’ve done something wrong, but someone else takes your punishment and you get off free).

Read More about Born Again »

Tags: sin salvation sacrifice John Jesus God’s plan

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